Source code for bitraider.strategy

import sys
import pytz
import xml.utils.iso8601
import time
import numpy
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from exchange import cb_exchange as cb_exchange
from exchange import CoinbaseExchangeAuth
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

[docs]class strategy(object): """`strategy` defines an abstract base strategy class. Minimum required to create a strategy is a file with a class which inherits from strategy containing a backtest_strategy function. As a bonus, strategy includes utility functions like calculate_historic_data. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(name="default name", interval=5): """Constructor for an abstract strategy. You can modify it as needed. \n`interval`: a.k.a timeslice the amount of time in seconds for each 'tick' default is 5 \n`name`: a string name for the strategy """ = name self.interval = interval self.times_recalculated = 0 @abstractmethod
[docs] def trade(self, timeslice): """Perform operations on a timeslice. \n`timeslice`: a section of trade data with time length equal to the strategy's interval, formatted as follows: \n[time, low, high, open, close, volume] """ return
[docs] def backtest_strategy(self, historic_data): """Returns performance of a strategy vs market performance. """ # Reverse the data since Coinbase returns it in reverse chronological # now historic_data strarts with the oldest entry historic_data = list(reversed(historic_data)) earliest_time = float(historic_data[0][0]) latest_time = float(historic_data[-1][0]) start_price = float(historic_data[0][4]) end_price = float(historic_data[-1][4]) market_performance = ((end_price-start_price)/start_price)*100 print("Running simulation on historic data. This may take some time....") for timeslice in historic_data: # Display what percent through the data we are idx = historic_data.index(timeslice) percent = (float(idx)/float(len(historic_data)))*100 + 1 sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" % percent) sys.stdout.flush() # Calculate performance end_amt_no_trades = (float( + float( end_amt = (float( + float( start_amt = (float( + float( strategy_performance = ((end_amt-start_amt)/start_amt)*100 print("\n") print("Times recalculated: "+str(self.times_recalculated)) print("Times bought: "+str( print("Times sold: "+str( print("The Market's performance: "+str(market_performance)+" %") print("Strategy's performance: "+str(strategy_performance)+" %") print("Account's ending value if no trades were made: "+str(end_amt_no_trades)+" BTC") print("Account's ending value with this strategy: "+str(end_amt)+" BTC") strategy_performance_vs_market = strategy_performance - market_performance if strategy_performance > market_performance: print("Congratulations! This strategy has beat the market by: "+str(strategy_performance_vs_market)+" %") elif strategy_performance < market_performance: print("This strategy has preformed: "+str(strategy_performance_vs_market)+" % worse than market.") return strategy_performance_vs_market, strategy_performance, market_performance
[docs] def calculate_historic_data(data, pivot): """Returns average price weighted according to volume, and the number of bitcoins traded above and below a price point, called a pivot.\n \npivot: the price used for returning volume above and below \ndata: a list of lists formated as follows [time, low, high, open, close] \n[ \n\t["2014-11-07 22:19:28.578544+00", "0.32", "4.2", "0.35", "4.2", "12.3"], \n\t\t... \n] """ price_list = [] weights = [] if data is None: pass min_price = float(data[0][1]) max_price = float(data[0][2]) discrete_prices = {} for timeslice in data: timeslice = [float(i) for i in timeslice] if max_price < timeslice[2]: max_prie = timeslice[2] if min_price > timeslice[1]: min_price = timeslice[1] closing_price = timeslice[4] volume = timeslice[5] if closing_price not in discrete_prices.keys(): discrete_prices[str(closing_price)] = volume else: discrete[str(closing_price)] += volume idx = data.index(timeslice) price_list.append(closing_price) weights.append(volume) fltprices = [float(i) for i in discrete_prices.keys()] fltvolumes = [float(i) for i in discrete_prices.values()] np_discrete_prices = numpy.array(fltprices) np_volume_per_price = numpy.array(fltvolumes) weighted_avg = numpy.average(np_discrete_prices, weights=np_volume_per_price) num_above = 0 num_below = 0 num_at = 0 for key in discrete_prices.keys(): value = discrete_prices[key] if float(key) > pivot: num_above+=value elif float(key) < pivot: num_below+=value elif float(key) == pivot: num_at+=value total_volume = 0.0 for volume in fltvolumes: total_volume+=volume fltprops = [] for volume in fltvolumes: fltprops.append((volume/total_volume)) #print("num_below: "+str(num_below)) #print("num_above: "+str(num_above)) #print("num_at: "+str(num_at)) #print("weighted_average: "+str(weighted_avg)) #plt.title("Price distribution") #plt.xlabel("Price (USD)") #plt.ylabel("Volume"), fltprops) return weighted_avg, num_above, num_below