Source code for bitraider.trader_template

import sys
import pytz
import time
import calendar
import ConfigParser
import cmd
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from strategy import strategy
from exchange import cb_exchange_sim, cb_exchange

[docs]class runner(cmd.Cmd): def __init__(self): """Create a new runner with provided CLI commands. Default commands are: \n1. exit: quit autotrader \n2. help: display all commands \n3. price: display the most recent bitcoin price \n4. run: start trading on live data \n5. backtest: run a backtest on historic data \n6. load: load a new strategy """ print(" __ _ __ _ __ ") print(" / /_ (_) /__________ _(_)___/ /__ _____") print(" / __ \/ / __/ ___/ __ `/ / __ / _ \/ ___/") print(" / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / __/ / ") print("/_.___/_/\__/_/ \__,_/_/\__,_/\___/_/ ") print("") print("Welcome to bitraider v0.0.4, an algorithmic Bitcoin trader!") cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.prompt = '> ' self.intro = "Type a command to get started or type \'help\'" # Init config self.config_path = "settings.ini" self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: except Exception, err: print(str(err)) # Set up strategy self.strategies = {} """The currently loaded strategies""" # Try to load a default strategy, if one exists try: default_strategy_module = self.config.get("default_strategy", "module") default_strategy_class = self.config.get("default_strategy", "class") self.load_strategy(default_strategy_module, default_strategy_class) except Exception, err: #print(str(err)) print("No default strategy configured. Run " "\'config default\' to set one") try: self.config.add_section("default_strategy") except: pass = cb_exchange_sim(1000, 1) self.accounts = None # Get auth credentials from settings.ini, if they exist, authorize try: self.auth_key = self.config.get("auth", "key") self.auth_secret = self.config.get("auth", "secret") self.auth_password = self.config.get("auth", "password") self.authenticate() except Exception, err: #print(str(err)) print("No authentication configured. Run " "\'config auth\' to set it") try: self.config.add_section("auth") except: pass if self.accounts is not None: print(str(len(self.accounts))+" accounts were found.") for i in range(0, len(self.accounts)): try: print("Account ID: "+str(self.accounts[i]['id'])+" Available Funds: "+str(self.accounts[i]['available'])+" "+str(self.accounts[i]['currency'])+"") except Exception, err: print("Something went wrong while trying to authenticate with the provided credentials. Try running config>auth again.")
[docs] def do_exit(self, line): sys.exit()
[docs] def do_price(self, line): self.print_curr_price()
[docs] def do_run(self, line): self.set_ticker_on()
[docs] def do_list(self, line): self.list_strategies()
[docs] def do_config(self, option): """usage: \'config \' [option]""" if option is None: print("error: no cofiguration option specified") else: if option == "auth": if self.accounts is not None: print("Are you sure? Reconfiguring auth will wipe your current auth settings. [y/n]") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "y": print("Paste in your CoinbaseExchange API key:") input = raw_input("> ") self.auth_key = input print("Paste in your CoinbaseExchange API secret:") input = raw_input("> ") self.auth_secret = input print("Paste in your CoinbaseExchange API passphrase:") input = raw_input("> ") if input is not "": self.auth_password = input self.config.set("auth", "key", self.auth_key) self.config.set("auth", "secret", self.auth_secret) self.config.set("auth", "password", self.auth_password) with open(self.config_path, "wb") as config_file: self.config.write(config_file) self.authenticate() elif input == "n": print("Exiting to main menu") pass else: print("Paste in your CoinbaseExchange API key:") input = raw_input("> ") self.auth_key = input print("Paste in your CoinbaseExchange API secret:") input = raw_input("> ") self.auth_secret = input print("Paste in your CoinbaseExchange API passphrase:") input = raw_input("> ") self.auth_password = input self.config.set("auth", "key", self.auth_key) self.config.set("auth", "secret", self.auth_secret) self.config.set("auth", "password", self.auth_password) with open(self.config_path, "wb") as config_file: self.config.write(config_file) self.authenticate() elif option == "default": print("Type the filename (without .py) containing the class which inherits from bitraider.strategy:") option = raw_input("> ") filename = str(option) self.config.set("default_strategy", "module", filename) print("Type the name of the class within "+str(option)+" representing the strategy to load:") option = raw_input("> ") loaded_strategy = str(option) if self.strategies is not None: if loaded_strategy in self.strategies.keys(): print("Error: "+loaded_strategy+" is already loaded") option = raw_input("> ") loaded_strategy = str(option) self.config.set("default_strategy", "class", loaded_strategy) with open(self.config_path, "wb") as config_file: self.config.write(config_file) self.load_strategy(filename, loaded_strategy)
[docs] def do_load(self, option): print("Type the filename (without .py) containing the class which inherits from bitraider.strategy:") input = raw_input("> ") filename = str(input) print("Type the name of the class within "+str(input)+" representing the strategy to load:") input = raw_input("> ") loaded_strategy = str(input) self.load_strategy(filename, loaded_strategy)
[docs] def do_backtest(self, option): strategy_to_backtest = "" print("Enter the class name of the strategy to backtest, or press enter to\n" "backtest on the default strategy.") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Performing backest on default strategy: "+str(self.config.get("default_strategy" ,"class"))) strategy_to_backtest = str(self.config.get("default_strategy", "class")) else: strategy_to_backtest = str(input) usd = 1000 btc = 1 days_back_in_time = 7 print("Enter the number of days back in time to backtest on: ") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Performing backtest on default of 7 days.") else: days_back_in_time = float(input) print("Performing backtest on last "+str(days_back_in_time)+" days.") curr_time = start_time = curr_time - timedelta(seconds=86400*days_back_in_time) start_time = start_time.isoformat(' ') end_time = curr_time.isoformat(' ') print("Enter the initial USD amount:") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Using default starting USD amount of $1,000") else: usd = float(input) print("Using starting USD amount of $"+str(usd)) print("Enter the initial BTC amount:") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Using default starting BTC amount of 1") else: btc = float(input) print("Using starting BTC amount of "+str(btc)) if strategy_to_backtest is not "": self.strategies[strategy_to_backtest].exchange = cb_exchange_sim(start_usd=usd, start_btc=btc) historic_data = self.strategies[strategy_to_backtest].exchange.get_historic_rates(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, granularity=self.strategies[strategy_to_backtest].interval) if type(historic_data) is not list: print("API error: "+str(historic_data.get("message", ""))) print("Unable to backtest") pass else: print("Backtesting from "+str(start_time)+" to "+str(end_time)) print("with "+str(len(historic_data))+" timeslices of length "+str(self.strategies[strategy_to_backtest].interval)+" seconds each") self.strategies[strategy_to_backtest].backtest_strategy(historic_data)
[docs] def do_optimize(self, line): usd = 1000 btc = 1 days_back_in_time = 7 print("Enter the class name of the strategy to be optimized:") input = raw_input("> ") print(self.strategies.keys()) if input not in self.strategies.keys(): print("Error: not found") pass strategy_to_optimize = input print("Enter the timeframe to optimize for i.e. the time to simulate over:") days_back_in_time = 7 input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Performing optimization for default of last 7 days.") else: days_back_in_time = float(input) print("Performing optimization based on last "+str(days_back_in_time)+" days.") curr_time = start_time = curr_time - timedelta(seconds=86400*days_back_in_time) start_time = start_time.isoformat(' ') end_time = curr_time.isoformat(' ') print("Enter the initial USD amount:") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Using default starting USD amount of $1,000") else: usd = float(input) print("Using starting USD amount of $"+str(usd)) print("Enter the initial BTC amount:") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": print("Using default starting BTC amount of 1") else: btc = float(input) print("Using starting BTC amount of "+str(btc)) strategy = strategy_to_optimize strategy_attributes = dir(self.strategies[strategy]) bounds_by_attribute = {} print("Note: strategy interval cannot be optimized due to API restraints") self.strategies[strategy].exchange = cb_exchange_sim(start_usd=usd, start_btc=btc) historic_data = self.strategies[strategy].exchange.get_historic_rates(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, granularity=self.strategies[strategy].interval) if type(historic_data) is not list: print("API error: "+str(historic_data.get("message", ""))) print("Unable to optimize. Try changing strategy's interval") pass else: print("Optimizing based on time frame of "+str(start_time)+" to "+str(end_time)) print("with "+str(len(historic_data))+" timeslices of length "+str(self.strategies[strategy].interval)+" seconds each") for attribute in strategy_attributes: if "_" not in str(attribute) and str(attribute) != "interval": # Optimizing for interval would poll API too frequently print("Enter the lower bound for attribute: "+str(attribute)+", or press enter to skip:") input = raw_input("> ") if input == "": pass else: lower_bound = float(input) print("Enter the upper bound for attribute: "+str(attribute)+":") input = raw_input("> ") upper_bound = float(input) print("Enter the granularity of this attribute i.e. how many different values to try:") input = raw_input("> ") granularity = float(input) if upper_bound is not None and lower_bound is not None: bounds_by_attribute[str(attribute)] = {"lower":lower_bound, "upper":upper_bound, "granularity":granularity} #self.strategies[strategy][attribute] = float(lower_bound) attribute_vals_by_id = {} config_id = 0 # Initialize attribute_vals_by id for attribute in bounds_by_attribute.keys(): num_shades_of_attr = int(bounds_by_attribute[attribute].get("granularity")) increment = (float(upper_bound) - float(lower_bound))/num_shades_of_attr attr_val = float(lower_bound) for shade in range(num_shades_of_attr): attribute_vals_by_id[str(config_id)] = {} attribute_vals_by_id[str(config_id)][attribute] = attr_val config_id += 1 # Fill in all possible values for the attributes config_id = 0 for attribute in bounds_by_attribute.keys(): num_shades_of_attr = int(bounds_by_attribute[attribute].get("granularity")) increment = (float(upper_bound) - float(lower_bound))/num_shades_of_attr step = 0 attr_val = float(lower_bound) + (increment*step) for shade in range(num_shades_of_attr): attribute_vals_by_id[str(config_id)][attribute] = attr_val config_id += 1 step += 1 performance_by_id = {} performance_vs_mkt = 0 strategy_performance = 0 mkt_performance = 0 # Change the attribute values for this strategy, updating when the performance is highest for configuration in attribute_vals_by_id.keys(): for attribute in attribute_vals_by_id[configuration]: setattr(self.strategies[strategy], attribute, attribute_vals_by_id[configuration][attribute]) performance_vs_mkt, strategy_performance, mkt_performance = self.strategies[strategy].backtest_strategy(historic_data) performance_by_id[str(configuration)] = performance_vs_mkt best_config = "0" for configuration in performance_by_id.keys(): if performance_by_id[configuration] > performance_by_id[best_config]: best_config = configuration print("The best performing strategy configuration is: "+str(attribute_vals_by_id[best_config])) print("With a performance vs market of: "+str(performance_by_id[best_config])) # End python cmd funtions
[docs] def authenticate(self): try: = cb_exchange(self.auth_key, self.auth_secret, self.auth_password) self.accounts = except Exception, err: print("Error! Only unauthorized endpoints are available.") print("error: "+str(err)) print("If you would like bitraider to walk you through authentication, enter the commands: \'config\' > \'auth\'")
[docs] def set_ticker_on(self): strategy = self.strategies[0] start_time = time.time() lower_bound = start_time upper_bound = start_time + strategy.interval elapsed_time = 0.0 last_intervals_trades = [] while True: curr_time = time.time() elapsed_time = curr_time - start_time if elapsed_time % strategy.interval == 0: # if we've reached a new interval, calculate data for the last interval and pass # it onto the strategy latest_trades ='BTC-USD') interval_data = [] last_intervals_low = 999999999 last_intervals_high = 0.0 last_intervals_close = 0.0 last_intervals_close = 0.0 last_intervals_volume = 0.0 for trade in latest_trades: # starting with the most recent trade, get trades for the last interval datestring = str(trade.get("time"))[:-3] trade_time = float(calendar.timegm(datetime.strptime(datestring, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f").timetuple())) if trade_time >= lower_bound and trade_time <= upper_bound: last_intervals_trades.append(trade) if float(trade.get('price')) > last_intervals_high: last_intervals_high = float(trade.get('price')) if float(trade.get('price')) < last_intervals_low: last_intervals_low = float(trade.get('price')) last_intervals_volume += float(trade.get('size')) if len(last_intervals_trades) > 0: last_intervals_close = float(last_intervals_trades[0].get('price')) last_intervals_open = float(last_intervals_trades[-1].get('price')) interval_start_time = curr_time - strategy.interval interval_data.extend([interval_start_time, last_intervals_low, last_intervals_high, last_intervals_open, last_intervals_close, last_intervals_volume]) print("last_intervals_trades: "+str(last_intervals_trades)) print("elapsed: "+str(elapsed_time)) last_intervals_trades = [] lower_bound += strategy.interval upper_bound += strategy.interval # Here's where the magic happens:
[docs] def run(self): # Time Configuration self.curr_time = time.time() # Seconds since Jan 1st, 1970 self.curr_timezone = pytz.timezone("US/Central") self.cmdloop()
[docs] def print_curr_price(self): """Print the most recent price.""" print('BTC-USD')['price'])
[docs] def load_strategy(self, module, cls): """Load a user-defined strategy from a file. \n`module`: the filename in the current directory containing the strategy class which inherits from bitraider.strategy (does not include .py) \n`cls`: the classname within the file to load """ import_string = module+"."+cls classname = str(cls) _temp = __import__(module) loaded_strategy_ = getattr(_temp, cls) instance_of_loaded_strategy = loaded_strategy_() self.strategies[classname] = instance_of_loaded_strategy print("Loaded strategy: "+str(cls)+" from file: "+str(module)+".py")
[docs]def run(): my_runner = runner()
if __name__=="__main__": my_runner = runner()